
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Xīn Nián Kuài Lè - Happy Year of the Rabbit

Lily danced in the TACAS Chinese New Year Celebration with the FCC dancers again this year. She was a Miao Minority Cups Dancer. They jingled two little cups in each hand in time to the music - not an easy feat! She was so worried she would toss one of the cups into the audience - but really, they all did a terrific job!

This is her, "Mom, you're embarrassing me..." look.

A little update - way over due...

These are photos taken on the day after Christmas on our way out of Raleigh - kids were sad to be leaving so much snow behind, but were excited to see their cousins in Cincinnati.

Happily, there was snow in Ohio - and it's so much more fun to play in it with the cousins!

I love this old snowsuit - it was Max's when he was little...

Hannah and Lily


Back home again and while Lily and I cleaned out the craft and games closet, the boys played with long lost games...

John's new game - we love it!

My craft/game closet "after" - I can't show you the before because I couldn't really get the door open. I seriously started to worry that I had become one of those crazy hoarders on the Discovery Channel!

OK, you can't really see it but this is Ben playing soccer - he scored 3 goals this week! Go Ben!