I've had a number of friends ask me what we are going to be using/doing in our home school this year, so I thought I'd post the list here:
Suzy (9th grade - turning 15 soon)
Teaching Textbooks pre-Algebra
Apologia Physical Science (used in a co-op with friends)
Grammar Made Easy
Punctuation Made Easy
Typing Instructor Deluxe
Visualize ASL cdrom
History (1600 - mid 1800's) not sure of program - definitely lit based(in a co-op with friends)
Take a Closer Look for Teens (devotional)
she plays trumpet in band and takes art lessons - her REAL passion in life :-)
Lily (2nd grade - turns 8 in Oct)
Horizon Math 3 (she's a smarty pants at math)
Spectrum Spelling Grade 2
Horizons Penmanship Grade 2
God and Me Devotional Series (Girls 6-9)
Exploring Creation with Zoology 1: Flying Creatures (in a co-op with friends)
Grammar Practice Simplified
Explode the Code (to re-inforce phonics)
Story of the World Vol. 3 (in a co-op with friends)
Lily takes Mandarin lessons and gymnastics (recreational)