
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Family Photos 2010

Photography by the wonderful Erica Louws - if you are in Raleigh, you should check her out :-)


Karin said...

These are awesome! Did you take them? You have such a beautiful family!

Anne Devlin said...

Thanks Karin :-) Nope - I wasn't the photographer this time (sadly, I am not very talented in this area ;-) but you reminded me that I forgot to give credit to our wonderful photographer! She's a friend of my son Max - only 18 yrs old and so talented!!! Going to put her info on that post now!

Su said...

oh I had to comment. . that one of your lil boys looking up to your older boy just made me tear up.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos!!!
Fantastic to have these!

I will have some taken of me and Linn this spring, also by a professional photographer.

Great to see, and Lily is beautiful, just as Linn =)